
KJV vs. Modern Translations – 7 Considerations

By Eric Louw, M.Div. & Esther Louw If you’re a millennial or older, you probably grew up with the KJV, memorized Bible verses in it, and maybe even came to love the eloquence that makes it so distinct. In some…

Love Repents

Some who argue against the necessity of repentance for forgiveness craft their arguments with a peculiar certainty. They would have us astonishingly believe that: 1. The call to “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt. 4:17) is…

Not Forsaken

Have you ever missed spending time with God? I don’t know about you, but early along in my Christian experience, I picked up the idea that if I wasn’t spending a minimum of ____ [time] with God every day, I…

The Power of Grace

THERE is power in grace as certainly as there is power in sin. And there is “much more” power in grace than there is in sin. For “where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” We have found that there…